Cabinet Affairs |
Lynn Abbott 9:00 A.M. ITEM SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION Administration 1. Minutes from the August 28, 2001, September 25, 2001, and October 30, 2001 Cabinet meetings. (ATTACHMENT
1) FOR APPROVAL 2. Rule 6A-1.09981, Implementation of Florida's System of School Improvement and Accountability This rule is amended to establish procedures for assigning school performance grades based on a combination of student achievement, annual learning gains, and improvement of the lowest performing twenty-five percent of students in each school. (ATTACHMENT 2) FOR APPROVAL 3. Rule 6A-1.09422, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test Requirements. This rule is amended to establish achievement levels for the grades three through ten Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). Summaries of student performance on the FCAT are used in calculating school accountability grades. (ATTACHMENT 3) FOR APPROVAL Repealed Rules 4. Rule 6A-1.083, Military Leave; Extent. This rule is being repealed to be consistent with current law relating to military leave (Section 231.39, Florida Statutes). (ATTACHMENT 4) FOR APPROVAL |