Cabinet Affairs |
1. Request approval of quarterly report for period ending March
Attachment #1.
2. Request approval to enter into new contracts with private safety councils whose
annual estimated expenditures are in excess of $25,000. These contracts are with:
Safety Council of Palm Beach County; Personal Motorcycle Safety, Inc.; Central
Florida Safety Council; CM III, Inc.; Robinson Adult & Community School; and
Motorcycle Safety of Florida, Inc. These contracts will become effective July 1,
1997, and run through June 30, 1998. The estimated cost per contract depends
upon the number of applicants that successfully complete the motorcycle course.
Funding for this program is provided by s. 320.08(1), F.S.
Attachment #2.
3. Request authority to contract for pre-employment psychological screenings and
fitness for duty evaluations. The term of the proposed contract is July 1, 1997,
through June 30, 2000. The estimated expenditures are $145,950. The contractor
is Law Enforcement Psychological and Counseling Associates, Inc., of Coral
Gables, Florida.
The purpose of the psychological screenings is to determine if applicants for the
position of law enforcement officer meet established psychological standards for
employment. The fitness for duty evaluations are to determine if the employee is
fit for duty.
Attachment #3.
4. The 1996 and 1997 Florida Legislatures appropriated funds to the Department of
Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for the purpose of establishing a system
(TCATS - Traffic Citation Accounting and Transmission System) for
automated processing of uniform traffic citations. In addition, the 1996
DHSMV Cabinet Agenda
Page 2
June 26, 1997
Legislature required, through proviso language, that the Department contract
with the Florida Association of Court Clerks and Comptrollers to implement the
The system will be composed of computer hardware and software located in each
county where the Clerk of the Court elects to participate. A data network will be
established to provide electronic transmission of citation data between counties
and appropriate state agencies and between individual counties.
Phase One of this project, approved by the Governor and Cabinet on
September 26, 1996, was completed in January 1997. Phases Two through Four,
the subject of this contract, will include software development, hardware and
software acquisition, deployment, installation, and testing for the 67 counties.
This project also includes a pilot project with the Florida Highway Patrol using
twenty laptop computers.
The contract between the Department and the Association will be for a period of
five years with an estimated cost of $14,000,000.
Attachment #4.
5. Submission of the following new state of Florida license plate:
Florida Gulf Coast University
Attachment #5.