State Board of
Administration Executive Director Applications
The State Board of Administration (SBA)
is a constitutionally created entity as Florida’s investment management
organization. The SBA is primarily responsible for investing the proceeds of the
Florida Retirement System Pension Plan, administering the Florid Retirement
System Investment Plan, managing the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, and
running Florida PRIME, as well as investing the proceeds of more than 25 other
funds directed to the SBA by the Legislature.
The SBA is governed by a three-member
Board of Trustees (Trustees), comprised of the Governor as Chair, the Chief
Financial Officer, and the Attorney General. The trustees have delegated
day-to-day administrative and operational functions to the Executive Director
(ED) in compliance with federal and state laws, administrative rules, and
policies of the SBA. The ED must develop and maintain relationships with
stakeholders while providing leadership for investment management,
administrative, and operational functions. Other duties and responsibilities
include, but are not limited to directing the day-to-day operations of the SBA
including administrative, procurement, human resources, budget, external
communications, accounting, finance, corporate governance, audit, Inspector
General, legal, information technology, trust services, risk and compliance, and
Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund functions. The ED is also responsible for
providing leadership to employees evaluating the appropriateness of the goals
and objectives of the SBA considering actuarial studies and recommending changes
to the Board of Trustees when appropriate.
Persons interested in applying for the position of State Board of
Administration Executive Director may submit a resume and cover letter through
either of the following:
Cabinet Affairs
PL-05, The Capitol
400 S Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001